Have you ever wondered where your garbage ends up? No, it's not in the belly of a whale! At Beau-fils, it ends up in your shirts. Yes, you read that right! Our shirts are made from recycled PES, turning your discarded garbage into chic pieces. And that's not all! You won't find any heavy metals or pesticides in our creations, because for us, recycling isn't just a trend, it's a responsibility. So you can strut your stuff in style and be an environmental superhero at the same time.

Parcels that Plant Trees
Do you love ordering from Beau-fils ? We love shipping too! But with a little something extra: for every parcel sent, a tree is planted. As well as making you look stylish, every purchase contributes to :
- Ship without adding an iota of carbon to the atmosphere.
- Absorb that nasty carbon in the air.
- Store this carbon for a decade (or more!).
- And all thanks to natural methods such as reforestation and soil carbon storage.
We're the ones who bear these costs. Because, frankly, trees have a lot more to offer than just shade in summer.

Did you know that Belgians are big fans of recycling clothes?
That's right! In our flat country, we don't let our old clothes end up in landfill. They're recovered, transformed and reinvented! So, if you're Belgian, be proud and be part of this recycling adventure.
If your clothes are still dashing:
- Give them as gifts! To friends, neighbors or your mother-in-law.
- Resell it! Vinted, Le Bon Coin, or even at that flea market where you wanted to buy a vintage lamp.
- Do a good deed and give it to the Red Cross. They'll pamper him and entrust him to someone who needs him.
Or head for the Relais TERRE terminal! They're everywhere, just like cafés. Over 2,500 in Belgium. That's exactly the same number of beers brewed in our beloved Belgium (Roger has tasted almost all of them)! To find yours, click here: Chez Terre

Zoom on ASBL Terre, in a few figures
When it comes to recycling, our members are sorting warriors! They recover no less than 36,000 tons of textiles every year. Imagine, that's almost the weight of 7,200 elephants 🐘! And the craziest part? 85% of it is recycled!
- On the job front: Belgium's got its hands full! 900 people are working full time, and a further 500 are in vocational integration in their second-hand textile sector.
- Heart: It's not all rags! Profits? They go back where they're needed most. In solidarity projects, whether in our pretty little country or under sunnier skies. After all, fashion is also about solidarity!
So, before you throw away that floral t-shirt (why did you buy it?!), think recycling. It's good for the Earth, good for your conscience and good for someone else's style. It's a win-win situation!